Saturday, September 14, 2013

WildHeart Art's~ Courage~ On Line Workshop

"Welcome to My Newest On line Workshop ~ Courage~"* I am so happy to have you all join me for this creative and heartfelt workshop! I had created the first canvas and because my daughter( who was soon to leave for college) mentioned that she really liked it ,and was hoping I could make one like it for her to take to college. I was so happy to be able to create something she would enjoy and be able to have with her at college and she could feel  the "Mom love" while she was away! So as you can see there are 2 canvases under the "Courage" style and both are discussed in this videos!

I also created one for this workshop in the same style and technique but gives you another option for creating your "Courage" canvas. I hope you all enjoy this new creative journey and remember 
" Without courage.. there is no growth" .

You will find the workshop videos below and use the password that was e-mailed to you.
( *sorry about the wide angle camera  view on one of the videos!! Its really not that kind of

~In Love and Faith ~