Saturday, February 16, 2013

Waves of Wisdom Online Mini Workshop

~Wild Heart Art's Waves Of Wisdom Mini Workshop~


I am so happy to have you all here in this new  creative workshop called Waves of Wisdom!
We will be creating mixed media artwork combining collage papers,acrylic paints,stamps,rub ons.. whatever you can come up... you can add!! Creating art is about YOUR creative expression so always cherish your work and remember,,, nothing is written in stone so if you aren't happy with something you have created you can always work through it, work around it or work over it! Its all good and part of the process of creative expression and joy! So enjoy your journey with me and most importantly have fun!!
 *Check out our other on line workshops for some artsy fun!!
*We do carry some awesome supplies in our Creative Art Supply Store and offer FREE shipping!
  Join us at  my FB WildHeart Mixed Media Group at

Collage Papers ( corresponding colors)
Mod Podge
Acrylic Paints
glitter glue
Faber Castell Big Brush Pens
 Letter Stamps 
 Black Ink Pad-( permanent)

Waves of Wisdom-Part 2 ( pending.. should be completed shortly if not accessible yet- it was giving me problems on the vimeo site...:)