Monday, November 26, 2012

Creating Whimsical Vintage Houses Workshop

~Creating Whimsical Vintage Houses~

Welcome everyone to the workshop!!
 This is such a fun way to create , design and embellish your own beautiful Vintage houses!!
In this workshop you can use items on hand such as ( you will need a canvas to begin) paints, mod podge,scrapbook papers,stamps,pens,markers and embellishments ( lace,ribbon,rub-ons,ephemera ect.

Below you will find the links to the workshops and I will e-mail your passwords ( please keep them to yourselves-Thank you) The" mixed media" videos are what I had taped for the mixed media fall workshop so I decided to incorporate them here as well.
 I am also posting the FB Wild Heart Art Group link here so feel free to join us~ It is a place where we share our work,ideas,questions and thoughts about the artwork created during the workshops:)

Video 2- Intro to backgrounds-
Video 3-(mixed media 1)-
Video 4-(mixed media 2)-

Video 6 -Vintage Holiday House Part 1-
Video 7- Vintage Holiday House Part2-
Video 8- Vintage Holiday House Part3-

~Spring 2013~

**Bonus Video- Whimsical Beach Houses~ 

The supplies used in this video are the same ones you used for the above videos!
The video ran until I was cut off as I never know how much time I have.. you didn't miss anything though... carried into the next segment. At the end to finish off the  canvas I used the big brush pens and Pitt pens to outline any areas that I wanted to highlight:) Here is the finished canvas and thanks so much for joining us!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Holiday Mixed Media Workshop

Hello Beautiful Creative Girls!!
Are you ready  for some wonderful holiday mixed media fun?? Lets get started with this first video... it is an intro to the supplies I and fun items will be using for the most part during the workshop.. lots of fun goodies,so here is the link and have a wonderful day!
 Each day you will have  a new video and project to watch and have fun working with !! To access the videos click on this link and I will e-mail you all the password~ this is for your viewing only so please don't share your password:) Enjoy!!

If you have any questions or problems accessing please let me know!! Remember to check your e-mails for the password needed to view the workshop!!

Second Video up~ Part 2 to be posted tomorrow:)

Here is the second part of the Holiday Waves project Video -For some reason it loses focus  at about 10 into it for about a minute and then it goes away~ sorry not sure why but wanted to let you know :)

  Next Segment- Holiday Mixed Media Collage Canvas-
Part 2-

 New Segment- Holiday Journal Part 1

Holiday Journal Part 2-
 (by the way there are 2 #2 videos so just use the one that is the newest- something didn't load right with the first one)

Holiday Journal 3-

I started to do some gift tags on the last video but the camera run out so I will have one more video that will contain some more holiday tags, cards and the handmade paper~ there was more content than i thought!! Enjoy and the last video will be posted this weekend!!
Have Fun!!

***Last 2 videos!! Hope you all have had a great time!! Feel free to post your creative beauties on our Wild Heart Art FB page!!

Holiday Tags and Cards-
 Handmade Paper-

If you have a problem for the videos being separate try the link to the album

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

~Holiday Candlemaking Workshop~

Are you ready to make some amazing candles for the holidays?? Great as gifts if you can give any of the away
~ Have fun and enjoy~
Click on the link below to get to the Holiday Workshop Album to watch on Vimeo .. I am sending you the passwords  via e-mail  that are  used to access the workshop (please do not sure with others).Feel free to post your beautiful candles you create on the Wild Heart Art FB page!!

 Workshop Album Link-

Monday, October 8, 2012

~Workshop Follow Up~

Hi Girls~ I thought I would touch base with you all and see how the workshop worked out for all of you~ Did anyone have a favorite video or technique or find something more valuable than another?? I would love to know as I have in the works not only holiday videos but  have some planned for early next year~ I know there was some video glitches and problems at times with uploading but I had a blast and hope you all did too!! Hugs!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 4 Embrace Workshop

~Week 4 Embrace Workshops~

I cannot tell you how much fun I have had offering these workshop classes for you all!! Thanks so much for joining me for this wonderful experience and I hope you all have learned and enjoyed in this  artistic adventure!! Enjoy the videos and please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have~ I will always be here for support~ 

Week 4 Mixed Media 
I also am offering 3 new awesome  On line videos for the Holidays:  All be accessible until December 31st!!

*Mixed Media Workshop-  We will be offering a number of holiday projects to get you in the holiday spirit and to also create beautiful mixed media items for your home or for gift giving!! Also included is a Holiday Art Supply "goody bag" filled with holiday embellishments and interesting items to use in your holiday projects!!!   Online for viewing Nov 1st
Holiday Mixed Media Workshop-Registration and information

* Candle Making Workshop- After finding just the right components for creating beautifully scented candles I started selling them at festivals and they flew off the shelves! People just love them and  I offer them in the fall and for the holidays at local festivals. At first it was a challenge getting the right waxes,wicks and fragrance oils to come together and be consistent every time~ That is why I would love to share my "secrets" for creating beautiful fragrant candles since I have so much enjoyed making them and offering them to others. Pumpkin Spice,Cider House,Jack Frost,Fireside,Coffee House... just to name a few fragrances. I will offer the best place to get your supplies and an overview of the class in PDF form for future reference! 
Available On line October 15th!!

*Soap Making Workshop-  Do you enjoy handmade soaps? I have been offering workshops on soap making for many years and this particular version of soap making is very easy,fun & creative!! It is also a great project with the kids for the holidays!! We will be using glycerin bases to create fun shapes and scents in our soaps... Milk and honey,Raspberry Spice, Bayberry,Cinnamon Spice.. I will also be showing you how to add interesting things like herbs and flowers, fruit puree,glitter,jojoba beads,cocoa butter, etc . You will have so much!!! It is NOT you usual soap making class!! Also included is a PDF and supply list. On line workshop available for viewing on November 15th!!
Soap Making Workshop- registration and information

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 3 Workshop

      Week 3 ~Embrace the Art Within Your Heart~

 Wow.. I cant believe it is already week 3 on our art journey together!  I have had so much fun doing the videos although a bit frustrating at times as with any new journey, there is a learning curve and I am thankful always for learning something new and  being able to share with others. This week some  videos have 2 parts and continue on in the next segment and those are marked as such. I think I am getting this down to a science doing all this uploading and tech stuff ( hopefully :)! So anyway.. I hope you enjoy and feel free to post your art work on the wild heart art FB page!!
~Be Wild & Creative Girls~!!

Here are the links for the videos-

Week 1-
Part 2- Textures cont-
Mixed Media- Part 1-
Mixed Media Part 2
there is 1 more video to upload  for the week:) 
Here is one more ( part 1 and 2) for Journaling!!
YAY I got everything going well again for the video uploading!! I will prob do 15 min increments for the workshops to make it all go smoother~ Thanks for your patience everyone!! Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Workshop Week 1 Videos For Those Who Registered for the Embrace Worksop

~Embrace the Art Within Your heart Week 1~ There are 3 videos this first week so click on the links 1 thru 3 and Enjoy!!
PS-High energy.. always on the move and hard to stay still as you will notice in one of the

Click Here for Video 1

Click Here for Video 2

Click Here for Video 3

I hope you have fun and enjoy!!
 In love & Faith

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wild Heart Art "Embrace the Art Within Your Heart" Workshop

 "Embrace the Art Within Your Heart"

Welcome beautiful creative friends!! Are you READY for an awesome adventure to the" Art within Your Heart?? If I could tell you one thing from my heart  it would be" never take yourself seriously because life should be fun and creative and when creating from the heart... it is always beautiful!!  
Thanks so much for joining us so get your creative brushes in hand and we are on our way!!

~Embrace the Art Within Your Heart~

Your Basic Art Kit
 Journal- ( old book, blank book or inexpensive second hand book)
Canvas or art paper (any size)
Dylusions Ink Spray
Assorted stencils/stamps/ink pad
Manilla/kraft Tags ( or make your own with manila file folders)- 3x4
 Adirondack Alcohol inks
~Other items you might want to have on hand~
Assorted papers and other embellishments
Big Brush Pens
Assorted Drawing Pens
Anything else that stirs your creative mind!

~Supplies for week 2~

10 x 10 or 12 x 12 canvas
Alphabet stickers that are about 1 " tall and show the outline of the letters
Assorted scrapbook papers
Mod podge or similar
Paints/Pens/stamps and embellishments
A deck of cards
Print out a page or so of your favorite sayings ( a sentence or less each)
Small envelopes ( optional)

~Time for Some More Creative Fun Girls!!~